RMT London Calling newsletter

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RMT to ballot over Pay & Conditions
Jared Thu, 11/14/2019 - 17:20

Please download and distribute the latest LTRC bulletin dealing with LUL pay & conditions and ABM cleaners dispute.

LTRC newsletter on pay Jared Wed, 07/31/2019 - 10:17
Mass Meeting: Pay, Transformation & Train Prep - 3 Disputes Must be Won
Jared Tue, 04/16/2019 - 10:07

RMT has won a fantastic ballot result to fight cuts in train prep. We will also be fighting TfL Transformation cuts in the coming weeks and months. Now we also face a struggle to win a fair pay rise and shorter working week in our pay talks.

Please download the leaflet and circulate it to members in your workplace.

Printed copies will be available for Unity House.

LTRC Pay 2019 Bulletin
Jared Tue, 03/19/2019 - 10:45

Pay talks are underway and with no offer on the table from LU for our pay rise this April we need to start mobilising members to fight for our demands:

32h 4day week

Substantial pay rise with flat rate minimum to benefit lower paid grades

Priv for all

Abolish CSA2 on stations

Plus other elements included in our pay submission.

Please download and distribute the LTRC newsletter. Printed copies will be available from Unity House later this week.

RMT London Calling newsletter - Defend the London Bridge 3 special

Submitted by Eamonn Lynch on Tue, 03/28/2017 - 19:47


Attached is the lastest RMT London Calling newsletter.

Focusing on our 3 members at London Bridge who have been disciplined for rushing to assist a co- worker who was being assaulted. That co-worker was pregnant.

Please download, print display and distribute across your workplace.

The ballot on London Bridge and Waterloo will begin on March 30 and ballot papers must be returned by April 18.

London Underground managers have been quoted on social media and in the press as saying "Kirsty Watts was never assaulted " 

Defend the London Bridge 3

Submitted by Eamonn Lynch on Wed, 03/01/2017 - 08:05

Download, print, display and distribute widely.



Responding to a radio call to assist a colleague is now a sackable offence

3 CSAs at London Bridge have been sent to CDI following an incident with a fare evader in November 2016

The fare evader assaulted 3 members of staff, one was pregnant. 
She was pushed in her stomach.
Those who assisted were sent to disciplinary hearings.

President Sean Hoyle

Submitted by Eamonn Lynch on Mon, 01/30/2017 - 20:41

Following a resolution that was passed unanimously at January's LTRC, this region would like to place on record its support and solidarity with Sean with regard to his understanding and interpretation of Rule 1. 4. (b) To work for the supersession of the capitalist system by a socialistic order of society.

The recent media reports and character assassination by them of Sean are disgraceful and bear no resemblance to anything approaching fair and reasonable reporting.